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New Cold Process Soap Collection

Through spring and summer 2019, we've been busy formulating and creating a new line of cold process soap. The release of these 100% natural and palm-oil free artisan soaps will coincide with Nat Botanicals' first anniversary.

Rose Garden Cold Process Soap by Nat Botanicals


The cold process method allows us to formulate our soap recipes completely from scratch. We control the ratio of each oil and butter that goes into a soap recipe. We are able to incorporate fresh ingredients such as raw honey, cucumber purees, or fresh aloe juice to name a few favorites. We also love infusing our oils with soothing botanicals such as calendula or chamomile. Most importantly, we are able to exclude unsustainable and undesirable ingredients such as palm oil and preservatives.


The traditional cold process soap-making method involves the use of sodium hydroxide (also known as lye). The lye reacts with the oils during saponification, when the oils become soap. When the saponification process is over (roughly 24 to 48 hours) no lye remains, just pure and beautiful soap. The soap bars then need to cure for about 4 to 6 weeks in order to harden sufficiently to be used and last in the shower.

Loaf of Cranberry Citrus Cold Process Soap on the Cutting Board, by Nat Botanicals

We look forward to sharing our collection of cold process soaps with you soon!

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